
Thursday 21 April 2011

Well the machines are still conspiring against me so excuse the odd format but better late than never to post! 

Have you ever thought about building an observation tower in your house? Me either – but now I am questioning how I ever lived without one! One teeny tiny difference between my house and this, is that this house has views to die for whereas I overlook… well let’s just say it’s not pretty! This lakeside beauty was designed by Seattle based Bjarko Serra Architects (a quick glance at their portfolio shows that most of their designs draw on natural elements and include timber cladding – definitely my kind of people!) My favourite bit besides the view, the wood, the warmth etc etc is the humungous windows! *Sigh* 

Images found here

1 comment

  1. This is so beautiful and inspiring! I can even imagine the wood scent. Lovely!


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