In another life…

Monday 8 October 2012

On Thursday last week, I attended a ‘Stress Management’ workshop and whilst most of the advice was fairly obvious, one of the coping mechanisms suggested for dealing with stress was the need to make regular “me time”. A colleague of mine responded by saying that since she was single and lived alone, every night was “her time”. Now don’t get me wrong, I love being married and sharing a home with my husband but I couldn’t help but take a moment to imagine the freedom of living alone. Being able to watch whatever you want on tv (without having to explain why you like Real Housewives), being able to eat just a salad for dinner, taking a drive whenever you wanted, decorating the whole house pink just because you can… that kind of thing. I suspect I would love it for all of 2 minutes before it started to feel like I was missing a limb. That being said, it was when I was in this frame of mind that I found this cute bachelorette pad on Style at Home.  Bright, feminine and quirky – it’s the exactly the kind of home I would love as a single city girl!


Images via


  1. oh no, way too girly for me. I'm not sure if living alone counts as me time either. most of my single friends hate it. me time only works if you take it consciously...

  2. I think that in every relationship it's very important to have some alone time. These are too much for me, but I do love the painted vases. Have a great week, Meghan!

  3. I love it! Pink & orange together is a fav colour combo of mine. With three small kids, and hubby, I crave my 'me' time, but I certainly wouldn't want it for much more than a weekend. x

  4. wow. that apartment is amazing. i must admit - having brian live near me has definitely been an adjustment! but i've spent three years of nights by myself, so no matter what i'm excited he's here.

  5. I've always wanted a "single girl apartment" like this. Just uber girly, with some pink and some glitter skulls and Buffy art everywhere, lol. But I like living with my guy too (and he's fine with a bit of my Buffy stuff everywhere). Ha.

  6. I am a hugeeee supporter of "me" time.

    I love this "bachlorette pad"! the colors are gorgeous!

  7. Everyone needs a little bit of time throughout the day for themselves!

    This apartment is beautiful!

  8. I can totally relate: unless my husband is out of town on business, I feel I can't really have a "me day". And I try to trick myself into thinking that going to the gym is me time but I know it isn't true- I would never sign up for the gym as a relaxing moment in the day! Lovely apartment.

  9. I actually really liked living alone. And sometimes I miss it sorely... but I'm with you. I'd still pick having my hubby around even if it means not decorating in pink.

  10. Such a gorgeous flat! I love the Chanel No5 artwork..everything in it in fact.

  11. It's lovely, I adore the color scheme!

    xo Mary Jo

  12. Love the Chanel prints in the first photo!

  13. I think maybe because we are lovingly stuck with our better halves, that is why what we love to do on our own will always be a special part of our lives as married women. BUT, I do suggest to move in a little "girly" decor into your house, you maybe surprised, he might even like it :-)

  14. My "M" time is during the day when everyone is supposedly at school or work. I love being by myself. Course today is Canadian Thanksgiving (which I'm not sure why were are living in Calif and celebrating, but anyways) and the schools are off, so I have more "quality" time with the kids.

  15. Oh I loved those Chanel pictures, so TRUE, sometimes is good to have some free time for yourself and I would love to have some more girly staff at home but we need to share with those boys.
    Great post.

  16. We all deserve some me time! I just enjoyed a full weekend of me time when my husband was on a business trip.

    I love all the orange accessories in that apartment!

  17. I love all the orange in that place - it can't help but make you happy. I couldn't ever live in a place that poppy but maybe to visit?

  18. That is dreamy. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have so much freedom to watch Real Housewives AND decorate with pink and orange!

  19. Being single, I also have to remember to do some "me time". It might seem stupid, but you get real quick caught up in doing only things that "need" to be done when everything is done by only you from housekeeping to paying the bill, to get the trash out, to finding someone to mend the leak in the roof!!! Thus said, if I want a pink kitchen with purple polka dots, none of the cats is going to object and I love that feeling of freedom!

  20. I love the feminine, classy , chic vibe it has. Dreamy!


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