Perfect porches…

Wednesday 29 February 2012

I woke up this morning to find the tree outside my bedroom window completely covered in blossoms! I am taking this as a firm sign that spring is on it’s way and that it is safe for me to start thinking about packing the winter jumpers away, dusting off the garden furniture and maybe, just maybe, reducing the amount of layers I put on in the morning. I think I am most looking forward to spending time outside reading in the sun or enjoying a barbeque. Our little deck area is a long way from ready for spring so I have been looking for inspiration to get it into shape. In a dream world, my perfect house consists of a wide wrap-around porch complete with gliders, potted herbs and a killer view. Want to see what I mean?


Click on the image to go to its source.

My Fair London – The Legal Walk

Tuesday 28 February 2012

I really love exploring London, it still amazes me that even though I am an avid explorer and have lived here for 7 years, I have still not scratched the surface of what this city truly has to offer. We were graced with beautiful weather again this past weekend (c’mon spring) so we set off to have a wonder about Covent Garden and do some shopping. Well folks, if you have been to London within the past couple of months, you will know what a total mess it is. Roads are being dug up, traffic is backed up for miles and most attractions are covered in scaffolding – all in preparation for the Olympics. To avoid the congested sidewalks, we decided to wonder into the city (which empties on the weekend and remains largely tourist free). We wondered around the area of Lincoln’s Inn, Fleet Street and Temple, and ended the day enjoying burgers and milkshakes under the shadow of St. Paul’s.

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All images via Wishful Thinking

I’m dreaming of a farmhouse again!

Monday 27 February 2012

Nope, you are not dreaming… we have a brand new sparkly look here on Wishful Thinking! You like? I’d love to take the credit for it’s awesomeness but it’s down to my fantastic fiancĂ© who toiled day and night to get exactly what I wanted. I can’t say I was the best client, I bickered, bossed him around and eventually lost interest but he persevered and I am just thrilled with the result!

Now, back to business! Should we make Monday a little more bearable with a little sneak around someone else’s house? Not just any house, a (Swedish) farmhouse of course! Complete with red timber cladding, rolling manicured lawns and rustic ceiling beams. Oh, and if that wasn’t enough for you, the house comes complete with stables and enough room for several ponies!


All images via