
Tuesday 19 April 2011

I seldom get the chance to really go all out and dress up. Sure, I have the occasional fancy dinner but our dress code at work is fairly relaxed, so I usually end up going in jeans etc. Sometimes I will wear something quite glamorous just for the hell of it but I know that at some point during the day, someone will ask me if I am going for an interview! So today I felt like putting a glamorous ‘I mean business’ outfit together just to get it out of my system and share some bargain finds with blogsphere! Bonus: it all worked out at just over £100!


IMAGE LINKS: dress; sunglasses; shoes; clutch; bracelet; ring; belt; headband

1 comment

  1. I love the little black dress. Looks like it would really emphasis the female body. Always a boost when interviewing. j/k


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