Parisian Chic

Friday 24 May 2013

Ok, so I know I am a long way from Paris but I am in France – the land of ridiculously stylish people! As far as my own personal style goes, even though I think I dress relatively well, I seldom manage to pull off a Parisian chic style. The whole “I just threw this on but look fabulous” effortless style sadly doesn’t come naturally to me. But I’m working on it (does this defeat the whole purpose of effortless?) and here’s my inspiration….

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking


  1. These images just about sum up Parisian chic. It's not easy to look stylish carrying a couple of baguettes but this lady here manages it!

  2. Gorgeous! Hope you're having a lovely time in France.

  3. Well, you just know I adore these looks, don't you? Those Parisian women really do know how to get it right! I can't wait to hear all about your trip (and your good news! don't think I've forgotten!)

  4. Well, having a stunning wardrobe would be a start for us... and then maybe a diet! We don't do effortless in anything we do, except popping the cork out of a wine bottle. Hope you're having a grand old time in France. So jealous!
    C + C

  5. Okay so now I can be inspired by looking at this post instead of having to wait for my next trip to Paris! Love the cape!

  6. Some women just can't help looking gorgeous and glamorous. It can't hurt living in Paris with access to all those beautiful fashion boutiques. x

  7. I'm going to be in London and Paris in a few weeks, and I'm seriously intimidated about what to pack! Clearly I need a whole new wardrobe. And I can't tell if I feel better or worse after scrolling through these pictures.

    Your photos of the French countryside (so far) were stunning. Can't wait to see more. More moss! More moss! ;)

    Lauren @ still + life


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