
Tuesday 1 November 2011

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been very fortunate to receive from blog love from a couple of ladies, first from the ever-classy Barbara from Haus Design and then from the very talented green-fingered Starlet from :: Can you Come Home:: If you haven’t already stopped by their blogs, why not? Go on and say hi!

I can’t really remember what I did with my time before blogging but I can’t imagine my life without it. From recipes, to life anecdotes, to crafty home ideas, it never ceases to amaze me how much inspiration is at my fingertips.  Thank you ladies!

So the rules are that I have to share 7 things about myself, here goes:

7 Things copy Image 1 found here; all others via Pinterest

  1. My very first job involved working in a shop directly opposite that beach. That was my view from work, every day.
  2. I am renowned for having a ‘fiery’ temper and a mouth that very often gets me into trouble. It’s a blessing and a curse.
  3. I was obsessed with Ancient Egypt when I was younger and for many years, I believed I would be a famous historian. Then I realised most of your time is spent down dusty holes… I changed my mind and thought it was best to stick with the History Channel (although I still want to visit)! 
  4. Tulips make everything right with the world again.
  5. I am absolutely hopeless at maths, worryingly, it seems to be getting worse with age!
  6. My dream is to own a shop much like this in the future. I can’t imagine a better job than being surrounded by beautiful things.
  7. I can’t pass a dog in the street without stopping to pet them and make kissy faces at them. It might be becoming a problem.

Now I pass the award onto 15 other blogs that inspire me every day (I didn’t count them so there might be more than 15 here but I like to break the rules):


  1. Wow thank you Meghan! You've made my day :-)
    Lovely photos by the way!


  2. thank you lady!!! and number one - wow. the beauty of south africa never ceases to amaze me.

  3. Oh yay! Thank you so much! And I so agree with you. I can't imagine not blogging now that I'm doing it all the time.

    p.s. The camera I use is a Nikon D3000. The camera is wonderfully user-friendly, but I credit a lot of the quality to my favorite lens, which is a 35 mm f/1.8. It doesn't have a zoom capability, bu I find it to be the most versatile of all my lenses. And it's great in low-light settings.

  4. Thanks love!! You inspire me too!!! I love the image number 7 :) And no we don't know what we are having, hopefully we will find out soon :) Have a wonderful day!

  5. Here I am stopping by as I do every day and I find such a wonderful surprise! Thank you for the award, Meghan! It is so nice to learn more things about you. You should follow your dream! xoxo

  6. Thank you, Meghan! I love the collage and that beach is quite gorgeous (lucky you!)as well as the store of beautiful things. I appreciate the recognition and thank you, too, for introducing me to new blogs which I will make sure to visit.

  7. Just got back from a drive to Holland. How lovely to find this, thank you. I'm awful with blog awards, I do appreciate receiving them but I'm not so good with posting them ;-)

    Nice to learn more about you; love your dream about the shop. I have to check out the blogs on your list. I'm afraid that one day I'll need a personal assistant in blogosphere!!!

  8. Thanks so much for the blog award! I feel so honored!!

  9. Thank you for including me with these lovely ladies! I TOTALLY do #7 too - who can resist an adorable furry face? :-)

  10. Thanks so much Meghan, lovely surprise, and it was nice to find out more about you. I sat down and did my one today, it was really fun. So the love keeps going around. xxx

  11. Oh my gosh, thank you for this incredibly sweet shout-out! It's so neat to learn more about you. I used to be obsessed with Ancient Egypt too!

  12. Thanks lady! So exciting to hear we inspire you :)

    Loved reading this by the way! Tulips and puppies are my weakness too!

  13. Congratulations on the blog award and thanks for forwarding the award to me, too.

    I enjoyed reading more about you. I am also hopeless at maths and love tulips as well. My heart melts every time I see cute little puppies, too.

    Have a fabulous day, Meghan!


  14. Thanks for including me in the mix Meghan!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if you need some employees for that shop!!!



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