Zoe Saldana Style Crush

Friday 11 November 2011

I’d like to tell you that I don’t read or watch celebrity news, but that would be a big fat lie! I just can’t seem to help myself! Apart from the everyday gossip, I also like to follow celebrity fashion (c’mon I know you do too)! In my opinion, there are only a handful of celebs who get it right every time, Zoe Saldana is one of them. I started to follow her style evolution after she appeared in the drama ballet movie Centre Stage – this is obviously where her poise and grace comes from! I’m very excited to hear that there are murmurings of her starting her own fashion line… sign me up! What do you think of Zoe Saldana’s style?

Have a lovely weekend all!




  1. A classic simplicity with modern accents. Love her style and you are right, she is very graceful too. Have a wonderful weekend, Meghan! xo

  2. The girl knows how to dress. She's so classic and cool. And I loved her in Center Stage! That's one of those movies I can watch over and over :)

  3. Zoe is so effortless chic (even in her street clothes) and a great role model for young women... why can't all celebrities look so elegant and poised? Happy weekend, Meghan.

  4. I LOVE her. I think she's stunning and seems really down-to-earth!

  5. I totally agree. She's so elegant but also really modern in the way she wears clothes. Hello, inspiration!

  6. She is stunning - totally agree with you!
    Much love,

  7. She is gorgeous and always looks so chic!

  8. I saw her for the first time in that film too. Loved it, I've watched it quite often.

    But I can't say I'm a big fan of the gossip columns. When I was younger I was more interested but then one day I sort of had enough. I'll maybe open People.com once per month or something like that just to see the photos. There are plenty of bloggers out there, like you, who make sure that one gets the updates, that's suits me fine ;-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. amazing that i've never seen this girl with a bad outfit... have a great weekend!

  10. Oh she's gorgeous and her body is really in that kind of shape wherein any clothes would look good on her... yes even in jeans she looks so fab.

  11. The one I really like to see is Jennifer Aniston, her dressing style appeals to me a lot. :-)

  12. I love Zoe too, in fact I'm putting her on my Fashion Friday post this week in that gorgeous green frock she wore to the Latin Grammys a couple of nights ago. Have a great week, Nicolex

  13. She is so elegant, I love her style. With a figure like that, she would look good in a paper bag! xxx

  14. This girl can do no wrong (and I'm not just saying that because she is half Dominican!)


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