The pointy shoe brigade…

Thursday 22 August 2013

I’d like to apologise in advance to my shoe-obsessed big sister for mentioning this but it still gives me the giggles. When I was younger, my big sister went out into the scary wide world and got herself a job. Her uniform was uber-corporate and smart and soon pointy (size 8.. yes, we are both blessed with skis for feet) shoes started appearing on the lounge floor. Now this might sound strange but pointy shoes were rather progressive for a sleepy coastal town on the Garden Route of South Africa, and I have to admit that they became an item of ridicule. Whenever my sister wasn’t around (because I am no fool),  the big pointy shoes would go on my feet and wearing a pair of silly shorts, I would do a little dance in the kitchen for my mother. It became our nightly ritual… until my sister caught us. She was not amused. My mom’s hysterical laughter while she cooked dinner still remains one of my fondest memories of her. But I digress. My sister will love to hear this but a few years ago, I tentatively joined the pointy shoe brigade. (And of course the first thing I did was put them on with shorts and do a funny little dance).

 Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking


  1. That's a great story and so sweet! We just got my son new shoes (size 10.5 at age almost 14 thank you very much!), and the salesman said that the average woman's foot is now SIZE NINE! Can you believe it?

    I adore pointy shoes, and while I can occasionally do a heel like these, mine are mostly flats. ;)

  2. Lol, I still remember 10 years ago when pointy shoes were coming into fashion and I gingerly bought a white kitten heeled pair. Now I don't think twice about donning a pair, but did chuckle when the pointy shoes went out of fashion say about five years back maybe and I overheard a woman exclaim she couldn't imagine how people wore round toed shoes. How quickly we forget?

  3. I'm giggling so hard over here. I loved reading that story about you and your family! Little moments like that mean the world, even though they're so simple and seemingly small. Pointy shoes to me automatically symbolize broken ankles and sadness, haha, so I've always stayed away (I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've worn heels. Maybe two if you count high school proms) but I've seen a few pairs of ballet flats with pointy-toes that I'm intrigued by! xo

  4. I still have my pointy-toed heels from 'back in the day' when I started work and have now started wearing them again. Recycling my (old) closet. I think you should do the dance again and post a video this time :P

  5. Gah I can't stop staring at those red shoes!

  6. i love all of these shoes but me and heels are like oil and water. i literally have panic attacks while wearing heals where i think my feet are breaking and shattering inside them and i have to tear them off and throw them as far away from me as possible. i have a few hours tops in them so i haven't invested in many pairs. but i really should have just a classic black pair.

  7. What a cute story. I've always had a thing about pointy shoes from the days when I used to try on my Mum's as a little girl. As a shoe addict, I alreay have several pairs and would love to add more to my collection. A great choice of images here!

  8. Oh how I love your story. I need to go and find myself some pointy shoes, these looks are amazing!!! If I can pull one of these off, I'll do a little shoe dance.

  9. That is such a great story :) My kids quite often crack me up, so I hope we can look back on those moments and laugh, again! I love all these photos, will be pinning a bunch, these pointy shoes rock. x

  10. the white coat in that first picture! damn. (sorry, i'm into white coats). i only have a few pointy shoes - love them with skinny jeans.


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