Prolonged absence

Monday 30 September 2013

Wow, this feels different. I can hardly believe that it’s been 2 weeks since I wrote my last post. I don’t know what happened but I just stopped blogging. In the 3 years since I have written this blog, I have never ever just disappeared. I guess I should probably explain myself then. The week that I stopped writing was a bad one for me. Dealing with interviews upon interviews, making potentially life-changing choices and consequences and still suffering from jet lag just put me in a shitty frame of mind. I didn’t have anything nice to say, so I decided not to say anything at all. I had a particularly difficult interview that brought about a few revelations about myself and where I thought my career was going and it required some serious pondering (I have written a post about it but given that I seem to have weathered the storm, it seems irrelevant now… I might still post it though as I feel like I am talking in code)! But what a difference a few weeks makes! In 2 weeks, I have landed a job at a really nice firm right on Darling Harbour (I start today…. eeek) and we have done the impossible and secured a beautiful apartment a street away from our little studio.  We are finally putting down roots and settling in. What a crazy, crazy few months. So I apologise for disappearing, I missed you guys. I’m hoping that I will be back to my normal blogging schedule but with a new job starting and a new place to furnish, it might be sporadic at best! In the meantime, want to see where I have been contemplating life and solving my problems?

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking


  1. What a gorgeous place to contemplate life! Best of luck getting settled in!

  2. Congratulations Meghan, proud of you :) I was talking to someone recently about how difficult it is to find work in Sydney, so I'm so pleased to hear you've secured one, and an apartment - go you! x

  3. that's great news. I hope all goes well with your new job. I'm sure it will. congratulations. and don't apologize about difficult times. we all go through them xxx

  4. Gorgeous place and great news (not the hard bits, just the stuff at the end!). Moving is HARD! These were huge, huge decisions you guys made and it's no wonder you felt some backlash and a bit of upheaval. But! Hooray! You've made it onto the other side. You're under no obligation to share the shitty details, but we've got your back darling. And of course you don't have to blog, but you have to know we're dying to see photos of that beautiful apartment! ;) XOXO

  5. Nice! What gorgeous scenery for "pondering life". The adjustment period is always a little rough and I'm glad to hear things are finally moving on a little more smoothly for you. Job-hunting is absolutely one of the more stressful things in life, I believe! When you don't get called or don't land the job, it is so disheartening. I once spent an entire year going on interviews. Ugh. I don't miss that time at all.

  6. Congratulations on the new job and the new place! It takes awhile to get settled in (I don't think I'm there yet) and any absence of yours is okay - take the time you need. We'll be there for you if you need us :)

  7. That's a gorgeous place to be pondering! Congratulations on the new job and apartment. It looks like everything is now falling into place for you and it hasn't taken too long really.

  8. Congratulations on the new job!! I knew you'd land one sooner than you thought! How exciting, AND a new apartment?? Oh! So much good news! I can't wait to see photos of the new place. These images are stunning, the sense of scale is impressive, they could be from outer space or right up close (except with the one of you, of course, haha). I'm so happy Australia is finally treating you right! xo

  9. yay! you got a job. that was really fast. i am sure it didn't feel like it but really it was. and now an apartment too?! that is just amazing. i can't wait to hear more and see pictures of your new place. xoxo

  10. When you've been through what you've been through, you've got to forgive yourself.... It's really cool when you can look back and know that you are finally through a lot of the "unkownns" Congrats on the new job and good luck!

  11. Aint't no mountain high enough or time frame long enough that would keep us from reading your blog, Meghan, and we're so glad things are settling down for a bit. A big hurray for the new job and the new digs!
    C + C

  12. Ha, ha I should have read this post before writing a comment on the previous one ;) Congratulations on landing a new job and finding an apartment. I wish you all the best for your Australian adventure!

  13. not a bad place to ponder :) i think these phases in life are well needed, even when they suck :(

  14. First and foremost, congrats on the new job! Yay!. Missing you on the blogosphere. I'm also in an erratic schedule myself so I'm sure we, your readers totally understand. Life happens and wishing you all the best in settling in and adjusting in the new firm. Have a lovely weekend!

  15. I can't believe I missed this post. first - congrats on the new job and new apartment, they sound great. second - I'm really sorry to hear about all the other shit. moving across the world is no easy feat, but the challenges that really test us, I think, make us know ourselves better and this be better in the end, even though that sounds cliche. miss your blog, hope you have some time to post soon as you get more settled in

  16. I have missed reading your posts, and hope all is ok!

  17. Congratulations on your new job. Jet-lag and re-arranging your life is always difficult. Best wishes

  18. Congratulations on the job and Place! I hope you are keeping well still and that you're starting to enjoy Sydney a little bit? Once Summer well and truly starts you'll really get into the thick of things and learn the joys of a Christmas barbie or day spent at the beach. It's probably gonna be weird for you, but embrace it! I am around still for a couple more months. If you'd like to meet up, please do email me. I'd love to catch you.


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