Maxi Skirts

Friday 9 March 2012

I know I have been a little absent on blogland lately, apologies but I am hoping for a sunny, relaxing weekend where I can catch up on all your news. In the meantime, let’s have our usual Friday chat about fashion. The cold weather returned to London this week (making me feel like winter would never end) but thankfully, it seems the end is in sight! I guess this means it is now time to start thinking about the intermediate wardrobe: not quite winter, not quite summer. Queue the maxi skirt! It’s comfortable, goes with almost anything and is rather good at hiding all those pies and chocolates that you have been eating over the winter months! This is bound to be my spring favourite. 

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  1. these are great photos - maxi dresses work for this too!

  2. I love, love, love a good maxi - dress it up or lounge around in one all day; ever so comfortable. Something to look forward to soon. Thanks, Meghan!

  3. I wish I looked as stylish as these girls in a maxi skirt, but I don't. So I'm avoiding this length, it's just not for me. I love that look from the Michael Kors spring 2011 collection, that was a beautiful collection and Frida Gustavvson is gorgeous! xo

  4. Maxi skirts are very convenient, Meghan! Hope your wknd is wonderful! xo

  5. I love that look but I have to admit that it's often difficult to find the right fit. Either they are too long or too short.

    I'm with Ada on the Michael Kors one, it's beautiful.

  6. I don't know that I could pull off this trend. But that green skirt sure makes a tempting case.

  7. Haven't invested in one yet given my height but Olivia looks fabulous so perhaps this spring... Certainly looks comfortable and chic at the same time! Happy weekend, Meghan, and hope it warms up for you.

  8. So pretty! I love this trend but I still don't own one. This summer. It's happening.

  9. I love that long green skirt and white top. So simple, but so pretty.

  10. this is good for me to get out of mom land and see real clothes!!! thanks!

  11. Gorgeous - going to need to get myself one of these now after looking at all these lovely pics! xxx


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