The White Company

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Some days when I am feeling a little rushed and flustered whilst shopping, I like to sought out a White Company store. For me, it represents a beacon of serenity and calm. It also smells delicious and yes, almost everything is white. Their window display of stunning table lamps really caught my eye over the weekend so I did a little internet browsing and here’s what I came up with.

TheWhite Company

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


  1. A friend of mine who lives in London often snaps a photo of their windows and sends to me. I love it and love browsing their website. When I think of it, I don't believe I have ever entered any of their stores. Must remember to do that when next in London!

  2. I love browsing in their shops, but find them to be rather overpriced... The photos are lovely and white is definitely calming. Have a good week xo

  3. White is so relaxing and all those decoration acessories are really cute but white is to clean for me I often find myself dropping coffe or tea around.Kisses

  4. oh yes. white accents are so very calming. love all of these picks meghan.

  5. The White Company is one of our go-to sources for inspiration and their look book is always beautiful. We haven't been back to the site to see what's available for spring but for the looks of your picks, it's fresh and pretty! Hope you're having a great week, Meghan.
    C + C

  6. all so so pretty! I luv the aroma of serenity (like lavendar), think im going to buy a spray of it for our bedroom - thanks for the reminder :)

  7. this looks and sound like such a lovely shop! i'd love to see one of their window displays.

  8. I never fail to browse or at least peek into their store whenever I see them in the mall. It's so refreshing and I like the way they merchandise things. They're always so pretty. They have a huge bed in the store that is so tempting to lie on. :)

  9. I walked past their store the other day and smelt the Thyme candle - it smelt soooooo good! x

  10. Lovely! I have an affinity for round mirrors, so that would be my first pic :) x

  11. How have I not heard of this store before??? It seems right up my alley! Oooh now my wallet is going to hate me...


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