Life as a Sydneysider…

Monday 9 September 2013

Hello Strangers! After a crazy few weeks, I have finally made it to Sydney! And in case you are wondering, I LOVE IT! I don’t think I will ever be able to fully articulate all the feelings I went through before I left London. Worry, excitement, doubt and jubilation were some of the big ones. Every single person who asked me about my plans balked and cringed at our decision to emigrate without actually ever having stepped foot in Australia – panic ensued. But deep down, we both had a very good feeling, something positive just nudging us along, urging us to take that leap. From the get go, the decision felt right. As the plane descended from our stop-over in Kuala Lumpur and I caught my first site of Sydney, I had a split second of terror: What if we hated it? What if they hate us? What if we have to live on a park bench and eat baked beans forever? You know, that kind of thing. I am happy to announce that so far, my fears have been unfounded (although the jury might still be out on the park bench and baked beans). From the minute I stepped out of the airport and into the blazing sun, I knew we had done the right thing. It felt so familiar and yet excitingly different (a bit like our home in South Africa, but cleaner and with fewer AK 47s). After spending our 4th consecutive day on the beach, Jordan and I keep pinching each other and grinning from ear to ear, repeating a mantra of “we live here, we actually live here”. We are by no means out of the woods yet, we still face potential financial uncertainty and housing upheaval but after falling so in love with Sydney, we are more determined than ever to make it work. So the interview clothes are ironed, the CVs have been sent out and we are putting our best foot forward. Wish us luck!

Thanks so much for sticking by me over the last few weeks, I can’t wait to catch up on all the blog news. I am hoping to blog regularly from here on out but Jordan and I are currently sharing one laptop between us in a teeny tiny studio (it is so small that one of us has to go for a walk when the other goes to the loo… overshare but that should put it into context for you). I’ll keep you posted, not on the loo situation but on the blog situation! I’ll leave you with some sub-par Instagram shots of our new home.

Sunset in our street

Saturday on Maroubra Beach – 29 degrees celcius!

Bit of a blurry shot of an Aussie post box

b7ec6a4416c011e38bf022000a9f139a_7Darling Harbour

8584973416c011e384c522000aa801df_7Water Taxi

ef87bde216bf11e39a6e22000a1fab27_7Sydney Harbour Bridge

133518d416c011e3bbaa22000a1fb198_7More of the harbour

333e3ed016c011e3b4f022000a1f9ac6_7Dedes on the Wharf

d0534c3e16bf11e3b83922000ae91223_7Pretty buildings in The Rocks

542234_10153232741855245_2078681341_nIsn’t she lovely?

1236208_10153232742250245_242319501_nThis is where we had lunch. Not bad huh?

And so begins my addiction to Tim Tams.


  1. So glad to hear it is going well! I look forward to hearing all about your new adventures!

  2. eeee! this is so exciting! i am so happy for you. reading this made me feel a little bit like i landed in sydney for a moment too. i thought about you going to live in a land you had never been, but honestly i never questioned it. i could tell that you had given it so much thought and knew why you were doing it and all the reasons that it was the best decision for you. i am, however, so glad to hear that once you got there it really was everything you imagined (and more i am sure). happy your back too : ) xoxo

  3. So pleased you arrived safely and are so happy. It's a HUGE step but all good things take a certain amount of risk. I so admire that you took that risk and just didn't talk about it like everyone else. Onwards and upwards Sweetie xx

  4. Am glad you're loving it so far! The studio situation is a little worrying, is that temporary? Anyhow, the sunny weather is only beginning as our days begin to stretch out longer and brighter into the summer days. Welcome, and feel free to ask if you need any information and/or help around the neighbourhoods!

  5. Sydney is's seriously one of my most favorite cities. Enjoy exploring!

  6. I am so happy for you guys!! That you made it, that you love it, that you're getting unintended exercise breaks every time someone needs to pee ;) ALL of it. And I can't wait to hear and see more. This is so so exciting for you both and I admire your courage to just leap in with both feet because it felt right. That's incredible. xo

  7. Oh Meghan! I teared up reading this! You are so, so brave and I am so thrilled and excited for you. Just beyond happy! Such a leap of faith, but so worthwhile, and I have every confidence that it'll all work out for you guys. You made this leap for all the right reasons, and the rewards will be rich! XOXO

  8. SO exciting! i can't even imagine how crazy it must feel! keep having fun!

  9. Meghan... how exciting, you've arrived! There is so much for you to discover and, just like the Tim Tams, I'm sure you'll love it. Good luck with the job hunting, I'm sure you'll both be snapped up. x

  10. I'm glad you are enjoying the Sydney life! Good luck with the job search!


  11. I can't tell you how excited I am for you both. Kinda feeling like I've been along for the entire ride. Super cool that you already feel at home. Can't wait to hear about and see through your pictures your new life.

  12. I commend you both for your bravery in following your dreams. Following one's gut feeling lead to great things indeed. All the best in the job hunt. One of my closest friends decided to move to Melbourne from Spain last year with her husband and she's happy about their decision.

  13. So glad you made it safely!!!! Happiness to you as you start your next adventure!

  14. I'm so pleased to read that you are settling in and no wonder with the amazing beach and weather (it really is chilly here now!) Great photos - Milton Terrace is so pretty. Good luck with the job search.

  15. Welcome to your new home, Meghan! We can't wait to hear more about your life and adventures being that we're half Aussie ourselves. By the sounds of it, a park bench may be a bit roomier than your studio!
    C + C

  16. Yay yay yay! You're there and I'm so glad you love it. Ready for visitors?


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