A rocky start!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

I feel a little guilty. It seems like the whole world has been a little more enthusiastic about the start of 2012 than me. Truth be told, I started the year quite grumpily. Not on purpose though, after a series of unfortunate events (including waking up to gale force winds and driving rain, the front garden was strewn with leftover wrapping paper and Christmas paraphernalia that the foxes kindly left for me to pick up and when I got to work, I proceeded to dump the entire contents of my coffee cup all over my desk), I despaired about my rocky start! But after finally catching up on everyone’s blogs I couldn’t help but feel excited and positive about what’s to come in 2012. There seems to be exciting things on the horizon for certain bloggers and I am very much looking forward to following along and hopefully creating my own exciting news!

Now in totally unrelated news but pertaining to ‘rocks’ nonetheless, is a collection of the most beautiful little stone cottages that I have been dying to share with you all. Shall we?

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageClick on the image to go to its source.


  1. It seems like all these cottages are part of a dream world. So lovely and serene!

  2. love these. the one with the curved roof to make room for the windows is very cool.

  3. Coffee all over the desk? Oh no, my heart is aching for you!

    But these cottages are oh so lovely. Glad you had wonderful and relaxing holidays in your home ;-)

    Happy New Year!

  4. Oh what a start Megan!! Here's to hoping the rest of the year is filled with many fabulous moments ;)
    Loooooove these cozy cottages. I've always had a soft spot for exteriors like these. So adorable.

  5. You are not the only one - trust me! I was just having a similar thought last night as I laid on my yoga mat - I want to be excited, which is why I am trying to set some goals for myself for the year - and I am so thankful to have other bloggers that keep me motivated and excited for the year ahead!
    Much love,

  6. Beautiful cottages! Makes me want to move somewhere much more quaint and less suburban. I hope your 2012 only goes up from here! :)

  7. WOW! I have always had a soft spot in my heart for stone cottages and what a wonderful tour you just gave us!
    Thank you so much for sharing - LOVED IT!!!


  8. Beautiful! I love the grass roofs too.
    Nothing like a fairytale stone cottage to brighten your mood :)

  9. These are story book perfect. And if it makes you feel any better, I have a nagging feeling I didn't start off on the best foot either. BUT onward and upward no?!

  10. How precious and lovely are these! Almost from the pages of a fairy stale. Sorry to hear about your rough start and hope things are smoothing out a bit...

  11. I think that's the beauty of blogging - whenever you run out of motivation, energy or ideas, you can always find more through all the wonderful blogs out there. I don't know how far our reno would have got without them!

  12. Oh those cottages are fantastic! I'd like to live in any one of them please! Thank you for sharing, they definitely made my mood a little better today.

  13. Love those cottages, so English. Here's to the your 2012 picking up, I'm sure it will. xxx

  14. These are beautiful. I'd love to vacation in a small, quaint cottage someday. It reminds me of Kate Winslet's house in The Holiday.

    By the way, I had to follow you yet again. Your blog keeps deleting from my reader! Don't know why this is happening...

  15. I feel the same about the start of 2012. I had such a spectacular 2011 so I was scared to leave it. I guess you just jump in with both feet. The cottages are adorable. I wish I could have one of those just one, perhaps somewhere in a big country side.

  16. Glad that you are feeling better! Cheers to a fun 2012. And these cottages that u posted is makign me WANT TO GO ON VACATION!!!! They r all sooo beautiful!

  17. so lovely, I would take any one of these...
    and number 15 image is in my home town of Travese City, MI. within walking distance of where I live...!! how cool is that!!

  18. @ Maureen - that's awesome! I was going to say what are the chances but I guess they are pretty high!?


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