The Superhero Blazer

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Apologies for the erratic posting of late, but time does not seem to be my friend. Another busy week at work, coursework piling up and a stinking autumn cold has made for a rather unpleasant weekend. I’m totally to blame of course, I’ve been lazy and de-prioritised taking care of myself, settling for wine over exercise and quick fix meals instead of nutritious masterpieces. I’m hoping to get my groove back over the Easter break – redeem myself with exercise, eating properly, perhaps even reading a nice long book. Can’t wait. In the meantime, I am tucked on the end of the sofa in my favourite K-Mart leggings, Jordan’s best winter jumper and a pile of used tissues growing next to me. Very attractive. In the interest of self-medication, I am dong some online browsing and have my eye on these superman blazers for winter. Sharp, smart and sexy. Just what I needed to make me feel better.

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer

Wishful Thinking - Superman Blazer


  1. Oh my gosh! I love these! I especially love them paired with long sleeves. It's still so cold here, I could totally go for one right now!

  2. Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling crummy. We are finally into warm weather here and fingers crossed for no more colds this spring! I could use a break


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