Friday, 13 September 2013

This happened.

Wishful ThinkingThis cheered me up no end. Also, this might be the first time Gwyneth and poo are mentioned on the same page?

What would I do without you guys? Well I would probably still be moping around ugly crying. I have to apologise for being such a whiny whinerson yesterday but it felt so good to have you all reaffirm that which I already knew but my over-stressed brain and heart keep forgetting. This too shall pass, I will just have to do the one thing I have never been able to: Have Patience. In other news, while I have been moving Down Under, Gwynnie seems to have teamed up with Stella McCartney to create some beautiful classic wardrobe staples (albeit pricey staples that will forever live in my “in your dreams” folder). I’ve got to say, I’m a coveting. Big time.

Happy weekend all! Hope it’s a good one – I will be doing some serious interview prepping and practicing how not to come across as a bundle of nerves!

Stella McCartney X Goop Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. Oooh, looks divine, will have to check out more, and start saving. Have a great w/end and good luck with the interviews. x

  2. I love that white tunic and black pants but ugh, scary skinny though. I love the poo truck and I love that you're feeling better! XOXO

  3. Goop & Stella, what a combo. I'm still giggling like a loon over here at that Mr Poo truck. I think it's the "excavations" tagline that is killing me. Have a great weekend, darling! xo

  4. now really who would you call if you needed plumbing service, some generic named company or "mr poo?" i'd totally call mr poo.

    that gwenyth, she can do no wrong and stella too, so the both of them working together, well, obviously it's just about perfect. glad you are feeling better! but if you are panicking by tomorrow again that's okay too ;) xoxo

  5. What a great duo! Gwyneth is so pretty and Stella is so talented. That poo truck, hilarious, still chuckling. Have a great weekend!

  6. Very funny first image. Just read yesterday's post and left you a comment xx

  7. Meghan, WHINGE away! Heaven knows I did my fair share this summer. Sometimes, things suck and you just gotta get it out

  8. haha - that truck is hilarious.


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