Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The Great Portrait Debate

Jordan and I are having a difference of opinion. This is not uncommon, but his view on the matter is quite firm – the matter being that I would like a stately portrait, to hang possibly in the hallway or the living room. Some important so and so from another time, maybe with rosy cheeks and a strong nose will lord over the house and introduce some much needed colour and character. Jordan thinks this is ridiculous and creepy and will not budge on his hatred of the idea, no matter how many images of its successful execution I shove at him.

Personally, I think he is still traumatised by this portrait (scroll all the way to the bottom, she is a creep).

 Wishful Thinking - The Portrait Debate

 Wishful Thinking - The Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

 Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Wishful Thinking - The Great Portrait Debate

Click on the image to go to the source

1 comment:

  1. I actually quite like these, particularly the third one, but JR is with your husband on this one, sadly


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