Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Something to Aspire To

My love affair with Belgian interiors is well documented here on Wishful Thinking. The effortless restraint they practice in their styling fills me with deep seated envy. Carefully selected items are displayed in their full glory, without the need to complicate the space – one small frame against a large grey wall, a rustic oversized lamp next to a frumpy sofa, a deep bath in the middle of the room. Some days I win the less-is-more battle but even so, I still remain hopelessly attached to my endless hoards of stuff. This find below is definitely something I aspire to.



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Est-Magazine-Graanmarkt13-Apartment-kitchen-Frederik-Vercruysse-02 (1)

Images via EST Magazine | Photography: Frederik Vercruysse


  1. oh this is beautiful. all the natural textures and muted tones. it looks so serene.

  2. Oh my gosh, Meghan! Belgian interiors are something I've never given ANY thought to! (Clearly I haven't been reading here long enough!) Seriously, I didn't know the Belgians *had* a style the way the Swedes did or the Greeks even... but WOW. I'm totally sold. Ready to throw everything out and start fresh!


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