Sunday, 22 June 2014

The Winter Solstice

On Saturday, we saw in our first Aussie winter solstice with a morning walk on the beach, a trip to our local deli and a night of pasta making. I use the term “winter” quite lightly though as the temperature topped 20 degrees and we broke out the t-shirts and sunnies (a far cry from the icy bitter chill of London… even in the middle of summer). Although I can hardly complain about the mild winter we have had, I am very much looking forward to longer days and shorter nights and well if I am honest, getting my Aussie tan on again. So as I look forward to the return of summer, I hope my northern hemisphere visitors will be looking forward to the return of a cozy winter?

Winter Solstice

1, 2,  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


  1. I just got back to the tropics where we have neither winter nor summer and days and nights are the same all year around. I very much enjoyed the few weeks of European summer I had this year, and despite not being a winter person I know I'm going to miss winter once people start posting photos of the first snow again. the grass is always greener somewhere else, right :) lovely collection of images xoxo

  2. GAH, I'm not done with summer yet Meghan - let's slow our roll a bit. Although my Amazon homepage seems to think that now is the perfect time to start shopping for Xmas decoration

  3. AACK. Summer *just* started, girlie! You're gonna have to wait just a little! ;) These images are lovely. Cool and serene, but I need some more sand and sun first.

  4. Such gorgeous images. Still waiting for summer to really start here in the UK xx

  5. It's so weird that you guys are celebrating winter solstice and we just celebrated the first day of summer. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used of the whole opposite thing Aussies and Canadians have. Stay warm!

  6. summer just barely, barely started here. i am still in 'looking forward to summer' mode, definitely not looking forward to winter yet at all. but these images are so lovely - they look right somewhere in between summer and winter.

  7. can't believe it's winter there! sounds like a perfect date night though.


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