Tuesday, 6 May 2014

A further reason why Melbourne is a badass

If you are not a fan of street art, then I suggest you look away now because I am about to post a whole LOT of it. Street art is one of Jordan’s great fascinations and ever since we were young, I have heard him wax lyrical about the beauty of Melbourne art. So it didn’t surprise me one bit when we were dragged into every dodgy alley or side street on the hunt for some famous names. And I have to admit that even I was slack jawed at the sheer scale and skill of some of the works. What’s more, Melbourne City Council embraces the practice and dedicates whole areas where street art is perfectly legal. (It took me a while to stop looking around expecting the cops to fly around the corner when I saw someone spraying in broad daylight and out in the open). Here are my favourite shots…

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingIMG_9662Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingIMG_9700Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking

- All images via Wishful Thinking -


  1. oh, I remember walking these streets as if it was yesterday. thanks a lot :)

  2. Holy cow, that first one. And I remember Petra's pics from Melbourne as well - it seems so flipping cool

  3. wow, these are so cool. i really want to visit Aus!! I just sent a big shipment of pillows to a shop called Urban Couture in Sydney. i was really sad that i could go with them.


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