Monday, 21 April 2014



Happy (belated) Easter everyone! Our Easter holidays began with a car accident. Our very first and hopefully our very last. Luckily it looks like injuries to all are mostly minor (we are both fine) but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I have never been so scared in my entire life. So Easter was officially cancelled for us and Jordan and I spent most of the weekend in a haze of shock and worry. If you can take one positive thing from a car accident (and boy that is difficult to do) it’s that every other stupid thing you have ever worried about, suddenly seems utterly trivial. The transition to a new country has been exceptionally hard for us but after some deep reflection, Jordan and I both agreed that we were slowly falling into the category of being those moany ungratefuls. Noisy neighbours, tiring commutes to work, long work days, empty bank accounts – subjects of my recent tirades - all pale in comparison to getting seriously hurt or losing a life. As much as car accidents (as well as life’s other unpredictables) truly suck, sometimes you need a little perspective. A little reminder that actually, your life is pretty sweet. You are lucky, healthy, blessed, alive – go and make the most of it.


  1. Oh my, I'm so glad that you guys are mostly okay. Big hugs and be careful out there!

  2. Oh dear, an Easter that you both will always remember. Such an experience brings things to light. It took me many weeks before I can ride a car without fidgeting and screaming after the accident. Glad to hear you're both fine. Wishing you all a speedy recovery, both physically and emotionally.

  3. oh no, good to hear you are doing fine. watch out and take care of yourself!! xoxo

  4. Oh no! Dear girl. I'm so sorry. Really, really sorry that this happened. It *has* been a hard road for you guys, I can tell, and this is just the end. Being physically unhurt, or barely hurt, doesn't mean that you aren't hurt or traumatized, and I'm so, so sorry. Sorry for the rough start and the hard work and sorry for this very physical and scary manifestation of it all. Get that camera out, take that walk on the beach. We're all thinking of you.

  5. So pleased you are both OK. But maybe that was the little jolt back to gratitude you needed (we all get these jolts ;-) x

  6. Oh goodness Meghan- so sorry to hear this! But I am happy to hear that you are both ok. I'm sending you a hug- hang in there Meghan and Jordan!

  7. oh :( car accidents are so scary. but, really, i am so happy to hear that you are okay. i was in a car accident almost ten years ago and i was the worst driver for a few months afterward - i didn't see the accident until i was hit, so i was so sketchy, every shadow made me want to swerve. it does affect you psychologically. so definitely be easy on yourself and try to do somethings are that soothing . . . like lauren said, some walks on the beach. xo

  8. oh gosh - so glad you're ok! hope things continue to get better for you.


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