In my quest for acquiring new skills for a better blog and a better me, I subject my husband to all manor of experiments. Numerous inedible baking disasters, crack of dawn neighbourhood walks and countless trips to the shops. He has been a quiet endurer of all but one – photography. In this, he has been an active pursuer. Any blogger will tell you that at some point you feel the need to refine/acquire some serious photography skills and I was no exception. We bought the SLR, read all the books and took hundreds of bad photos.
Although my camera skills are good, I simply don’t have the patience to be great. Jordan, on the other hand, took to it like a duck to water. He can stand for hours fiddling with the settings, trying different angles, playing with the light. Me? I am all about instant gratification and very often lose my patience when the great shot doesn’t happen in a nanosecond. So here I am, watching my husband kick my ass at photography, hoping he’ll teach me cool stuff along the way. He’s already taught me the value of shooting in RAW and his new favourite toy, Adobe LightRoom. We currently have a monthly subscription for $10 which includes Adobe LightRoom and Photoshop. Here’s some of my favourite of his before and after shots:
All images via Wishful Thinking