Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The night we saw Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson–Banana Pancakes

The first thing Jordan did when he got a job was buy tickets to Jack Johnson who was playing on the steps of the iconic Opera House a week after my birthday. It was extravagant and risky as he hadn’t even signed the contract yet but after months of worry and stress we needed a little frivolity and carelessness. If you have never heard of Jack Johnson before (and you live anywhere remotely near the beach) then I am about to climb through the screen and bitch slap you. Even on my worst of worst days, I find it hard to be in a bad mood when listening to him. We danced, we sang at the top of our lungs (apologies to those standing within a five mile radius of us), and when he brought out an electric guitar and showed us how it was done (in flip flops no less), I swooned. It was the perfect date night.



  1. Aww yay! It looks like you guys had such a good time

  2. Way back in another life I was a birth doula, and I've been at two different births where JJ was the background music. They were some of my happiest births! So beautiful. Sounds like you guys deserved a treat. Good on you.

  3. Jack Johnson is so easy to listen to and the track you featured is a favourite of mine. I'm sure it was extra-special at such an iconic venue. What a treat!

  4. Love it! Amazing! So good to see you having fun.


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