Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Just another manic Monday

My new job has a tendency to be stressy. Who’s isn’t right? It’s busy and pressured and the perfectionist in me isn’t getting everything ticked off her list at the end of the day. (Truth be told, this causes me the most amount of excess stomach acid). Although there are days when I come home and want to crawl right into bed and sleep for a week, it’s good for me. I’m slowly but surely learning that I can’t do it all, I can’t be it all and that some days it’s ok to have a few stragglers left on your list.

Yesterday was a typical manic Monday for both Jordan and I but we needed a little reminder as to why we had moved 10 thousand miles to live in Sydney. We booked our Go Get and headed down the road to Yarra Bay. A tiny quiet little bay with a soft white sandy beach filled with beautiful shells and clear, calm blue water. My Monday evenings will never be the same again.


All images via Wishful Thinking


  1. beautiful! hope you continue to find balance.

  2. Gah, it's beautiful. No wonder you haven't looked back

  3. Oh my this looks so peaceful!! *sigh* wish I was there!

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  4. Already, you have found warmth, sand, love and happiness. Beautiful.

  5. Oh wow, that's just beautiful. xxx


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