Wednesday, 7 August 2013

On my mind…

Wishful Thinking

Since I started blogging over 2 years ago, I never really had any serious ambitions for Wishful Thinking. I stumbled across some blogs during my interior design course research and thought “hmmm, I could do that” and voila, Wishful Thinking was born. Of course, I underestimated the amount of work a blog takes, the commitment it requires and the creativity it demands but after all these years, I still love blogging. I spend a lot of time meticulously choosing topics that inspire me and about once a year, I spend a few days bickering with Jordan who graciously helps me redesign it. It’s nothing fancy or mind blowing, just my little corner of the internet that I hope people get some enjoyment out of.

So where am I going with all this? Sponsored posts and advertising, that’s where. It’s something that has cropped up periodically over the years. I don’t advertise and I have never done a sponsored post. Not because I am against them per se, but because it was never my intention for my blog to make any money. Sponsored posts, to my mind, can be hard work, they also sometimes deviate from usual blog content. But as you know, on 23rd August, I will suddenly find myself unemployed (in a global recession) as we embark on a rather costly move to pursue our dreams across the globe. Sponsored posts have suddenly become rather appealing. As fate would have it, the opportunity to write one recently appeared in my inbox and, as much as I want to keep my blog ticking over as is, with a hard journey ahead of me, I can no longer ignore the opportunity to put pennies on the table.

I would love to hear your thoughts on sponsored posts and advertising on blogs in general. Is this something you have considered for your blog? Did you agonise about it as much as me or am I being a big girlpants?


  1. I can see why you're torn, Meghan. As you know, I have advertising on my blog - it's my full-time job, along with my interior business, and I give thanks every day for having a job that I love so much.

    I have a rule to only advertise or feature content that I believe in, and that I feel my readers will enjoy. I've turned down offers that I knew weren't right for my blog, even though the money was good. I think if you stay true to the essence of your blog, everyone can be happy - you, your readers, and your advertisers :) x

    1. I thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog Vic and I always love the products you feature. I think it’s the perfect example of getting that balance just right.

  2. I actually have pretty strong opinions on this (to those who know me, this will come as no surprise!). However, those opinions are for me and MY blog. Here's what I will say for you. I think what you need to do is make a decision about what you want your blog to be. Is it a labor of love for you? Is it a platform to lead you somewhere else? Let those decisions be your guide rather than the pot at the end of the rainbow.

    I just taught a course on blogging, and I stressed that authenticity was the key, so I guess my sense is that as long as you stay authentic, you'll feel good about your choices. Good luck sweetie!

    1. Thanks Lauren. I guess the real struggle for me is not really knowing what direction I want to take my blog in. As I mentioned, it was never my intention to make money so I have not actively pursued this, but now the opportunity has presented itself, I feel I should give it a whirl and see how it pans out. I have thought about the blogs that I enjoy reading (yours included... one of my favourites) and I thoroughly agree with you, authenticity is the thing that keeps readers coming back. But at the same time, I do enjoy the odd blog that advertises and sponsors – I think it’s about striking a balance between the two. I very much doubt it will be a long-term thing for me but we shall see how it goes! Thanks for your encouraging words. x

  3. I totally understand where you're coming from. Last year I started using an affiliate link program that earns me some small commissions, and I debated for a long time whether or not to even use that. It felt like a natural fit, and the one thing I decided was that I wasn't going to change my blog to make money. If I happened to make money on what I was already doing, cool, but it had to be a good, honest fit. Lauren is right, authenticity is key. If you suddenly started accepting sponsored post about liposuction or, I don't know, golf lessons, I might scratch my head a little bit. But even then I don't think I'd fault you for wanting to monetize a little! Especially on the cusp of such a big life change. xo

    1. A sponsored post on golf lessons and liposuction? Now there’s a thought! :) I totally agree, authenticity is key and even though I have decided to try out the odd sponsored post, it will always be relevant to my usual content, I don’t think I would be comfortable with it otherwise. I am so glad I decided to post this (even though Jordan laughed at me writing a blog post about writing a blog post), your kind words have really helped settle my mind.

  4. I have totally gone back and forth on this. i started accepting sponsored posts and such. but i found i didn't like turning people away or turning down $ or writing about something that i would never write about normally. i didn't go into with a plan, i only saw another way to make $, that was my mistake.

    i decided to stop accepting any forms of solicitation. have guest posts only from people i consider friends and whose blogs i read daily. talking about products because i love them and really DO want them, or fellow independents like me. then i decided i don't want to be "ad free" i have a business of my own which is why i started blogging so that was kind of dumb (i don't blog for that reason now but still it's connected).

    so anyway now, i pick and choose. i rarely have sponsored posts (i do have the sidebar which i am also picky about). anyway if the sponsored post fits it is a total win-win, it can attract new readers, you could build a relationship with a company, you get material to write about and money. i say go for it and do exactly what you say, just keep it real and authentic to your blog so you keep enjoying it. xoxo . . . .and i promise to click all links ;)

    1. Thanks for your kind words Christine! I am feeling so much better about the whole thing and I love your whole approach to it. You have reminded me that I need more of a game plan, and as Lauren mentioned above, I really need to start thinking about what direction I want to take my blog in. I love the layout of your blog and your sidebar is so unobtrusive and filled with interesting goodies that it has made me rethink my stance on this too!

  5. I can totally understand your dilemma and where you are coming from but still say go ahead and give it a go. Personally I do not mind advertising on blogs or sponsored posts as long as they are clearly defined as such. Just stay true to who you are and what you want to say on your blog and you'll be find!

    1. Totally agree with you Nina. I think it's really important to be honest with yourself and people who read your blog (which is why I wrote this post) - I don't mind the odd sponsored post either really! Sometimes the products are fantastic, sometimes they aren't!

  6. I don't see any problem with it. If it fits with the content of the blog or if it's something you think readers will enjoy reading, then sure why not? There's a lot that goes into a blog - time, effort, etc. - so trying to make a buck off your work isn't unheard of. I think readers can see through bloggers who are only in it for hits/followers/sponsors and you're obviously not one of those. I haven't done any sponsored posts, but I use Adsense as a passive income and it was one of the best decisions I've made for my blog. I placed the banners on the footer and the lower sidebar to keep it from being obnoxious. Bottom line is everyone feels differently about it, but it boils down to what feels right for you. Go with your gut.

    1. Adsense is not something I have considered either (again, not because I am against it, but because it always seemed like a hassle to me). After reading everyone’s thoughts, I am starting to wonder whether I am missing a trick here!? But I totally agree with your comments, blogging is incredibly hard work and there is nothing wrong with making a few pennies from your slog. My gut is telling me to go for it, try it for a while and see how it goes, and thanks to everyone’s comments, that’s exactly what I am going to do.

  7. I believe that you follow your intuition. Sometimes opportunities arise at the wrong time in our lives but if they are meant to be, they will always come back and they are even better than the ones that you left behind. As long as you feel you've made the right decision, then it's the best decision. I have sponsored only one company for a year and have had other offers. I am a believer that you have to sponsor things that relate to what you want to reflect on your blog. The money is always icing on the cake!

    1. Thanks Tracey. With all the craziness going on in my life at the moment, I have been worried that my intuition has been a little off lately! But this feels like it came at the right time for me, it might not be a long term solution but in the short-term it’s certainly going to help. I will definitely be keeping my content the same and will only ever blog about things/products/people I believe in.

  8. do it! a sponsored post every now and then for a product you like is no big deal. do you girl, do you.


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