Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Slow Tuesdays…

Wishful Thinking

Tuesdays are usually the day that I give the blogging world a little insight into what I have been up to on the weekends. Well, if I had to post what I’ve really been up to, you would fall asleep on your keyboard. Think endless lists, running errands, eating junk, sleeping, not sleeping, watching Judge Judy, Buckwild and other various brain-rotting activities. It’s not pretty folks. And it’s certainly not camera worthy. In the absence of anything seriously interesting to post, I’m posting some beautiful pictures that my husband took of a spiky plant. Totally random but I am pretty sure he has a fall-back second career.

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking


  1. I completely agree, he has a gift. He made a spiky plant look magically beautiful. Hope you have a great week.

  2. Ha! I have nada often too! Great photos! Guest post Tuesdays (by husband)....I can feel it coming!

  3. What you've been up to sounds incredibly much like what I've been up to(yet, I'm exhausted). I second hubby's second career!

  4. Those are very cool! Definitely a second career. And we all need weekends like those sometimes. ;)

  5. Very cool - looks like it's sprouting babies from it's arms... You know we're into botanicals over here so post some more of your talented hubby's work! Perhaps you can enlist him to write some posts while he's at it. Would so love to have a ghost writer here!
    C + C

  6. You make me laugh!!!!!! I love your honesty, I just love posts like these..... keep up the good work girlfriend, your blog is fab and this one especially :-)

  7. I had to laugh at this post :D You certainly have days where your blogging brain goes blank, I've had a few of those! Lucky for you, your husband is an Amazing photographer, so clever! x


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