Thursday, 14 March 2013

Where my head is at…

I like to use my blog as a positive and creative outlet, but let’s face it, some days I just want to have a good old rant. Today is one of those days. But since this is the internet and I occasionally scroll through my own previous posts, I would rather not be reminded of the day I had a meltdown over nothing in particular on my blog. Well it’s not over nothing but in the grand scheme of things it’s minor (probably). But let’s just say I am feeling a little frazzled and a lot tired. I feel like my headspace is a work in progress at the moment and I am trying very hard not to sweat the little things but please bear with me while I take a day to re-align and re-zen… and possibly self-medicate with wine and chocolate.

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking5d5f67f01ea994e6756ce7c22a3c0d8dWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingWishful Thinking


  1. I find a good night's sleep to be particularly helpful in these kinds of situations. Ninety-eight percent of the time, I've gained some perspective by the time I've woken up.

    Hope everything's okay with you.

  2. It's okay to have those freak out and throw sh*t moments every once in awhile. It's an expression of frustration and way better than keeping it all in, in my opinion. I know as bloggers we get swept up in trying to stay positive but it's okay to be negative. If life was so rosy all the time and we all had perfect hair, skin and teeth, it wouldn't be half as interesting

  3. I hear you and these pictures are helping me calm down a bit. I've been frazzled too lately! Hope things settle down, a rant every once in a while is needed!

  4. Sorry today is such a hard day. It is okay for you to have a meltdown - know that whatever it is, no matter how big or small, you are okay to feel the emotions you are feeling - just do not let them take over and suck life out of you. Feel them - without judgement. Learn from them what they have to offer - and then breathe them out. You have to be willing to be made weak in order to become stronger. Sending love your way.
    Much love,

  5. Sorry you've had such a bad day. Hope a good night's sleep helped! Not to mention the wine and chocolate. ;) Such a great assortment of calming pictures.

  6. You know what? We need these down days in order to really appreciate the good days. These pictures are much needed for me today because I feel overwhelmed with deadlines and editing. I do hope your day gets better. All of this rain doesn't help either. If it's any consolation, it's pouring rain here. Big Hugs from Canada.

  7. well all these images are certainly inspiring of taking a step back and taking in a few deep breaths. they are all so beautiful! sorry you are having one of those days but your head is still in a pretty good place if you acknowledge the need for a little vino and chocolate and rest. i find recognizing that and accommodating that need usually helps make it much better much sooner. xo ps i totally agree with what rooth said : )

  8. I hope things are looking a bit better now Meghan. If not grab that chocolate and our a glass of wine. The weekend is nearly here. Hope you have a good one. x

  9. hope you're feeling better lady! i know what you mean - where you've had an awful day and want to write about it but in the end it won't really matter (probably) so you don't. and yes - wine and chocolate are good places to turn.

  10. It's totally okay to have days like this. If I tried to gloss over the times when I felt frazzled or blue, I would be lying to myself. These pictures are very moody and inspiring at the same time.


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