Thursday, 9 August 2012

Another onliner to add to your list!

If you like me, like to spend your weekend mornings with your feet up, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, and your laptop in the other, totally absorbed in the latest online glossy, then I have another one for you to add to your list. Frustrated with the lack of Irish talent featured in online magazines, Rachael Colton created Roco Magazine which not only champions Irish design, but draws on influences abroad too. The magazine made it’s debut early this summer and I thoroughly enjoyed devouring the first issue (I’m counting down the days until the next issue)! If you haven’t checked it out, then here’s the link to do so.

Here’s a little sneak peak…

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  1. Thanks for the post Megan and the kind comments. So wonderful to have the magazine featured! Hope you are keeping well! x

  2. Thank you for the recommendation, Meghan! The flower arrangements are so rustic and beautiful. xo

  3. Love finding inspiration from across the pond and will definitely be checking this mag out! Looks like a keeper...
    C + C

  4. Oh really cool online find. We definitely spend our weekend mornings the same way :)

  5. These are such inspiration photos -- I love the kitchen! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Ooh, thanks for introducing me to Roco magazine. You know I love online mags, and I hadn't heard of this one before. I love the article on Holly Becker from Decor8. x

  7. So cool! I'm always looking for more online magazines. Thanks for sharing :)


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