Friday, 25 November 2011

Keep Calm and Knit!

Hopefully this is the last ‘keep calm’ post I do as it’s Driving Test Day Part Deux. I’ve done my homework this time around and I’m sure I’m going to kick parallel parking’s sorry ass to… well… hopefully not to the kerb. I’ve been slightly obsessed about the weather leading up to today, even starting conversations with old ladies on the train about the weather (old people seem to know more about these things), but listening to the howling wind and rain beating on the windows this morning did nothing to calm my nerves. To my relief, the clouds have parted and it looks like it will be a clear day – a good omen maybe? In something totally unrelated but calming to me nevertheless, knitting! The weather has changed and last weekend, I replaced all the t-shirts in my drawer with my thick winter jumpers. Chunky knits seem to be big this winter season and while looking for images for this post, I felt inspired to start knitting again. I figure I’ll start small with a woolly hat or maybe a scarf?

Have a wonderful weekend all!

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage  Click on the image to go to its source


  1. Good luck with the driving test, Meghan! Beautiful knitwear inspiration. How lovely you know how to knit. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  2. wonderful pictures!
    good luck with your driving test : )

  3. this makes me want a cozy sweater riiiight now. but it's 80 here. sigh...

  4. I want to learn how to knit so much! I wish I had the time.. maybe when this semester is over and I have winter break I will learn. Is it hard?


  5. Oh I adore chunky knit. Perfect for winter. love those chunky knit scarves. Have a great weekend over there in London. Amy x

  6. Chunky knits are the best- especially as scarves. Happy weekend to you!

  7. Good luck on your test!

    I'm short and quite curvy (big boobs!) so stay far away from chunky knits but they look gorgeous on other people lol xxx

  8. I will pay someone to make me everyone of those knitted goodies. I love the pic of the socks.

  9. Great photos. Although it's nearly Summer here in NZ, we're having some howling winds too. Not quite cold enough for chunky knits though. Best of luck with your driving test. xxx

  10. Love this post! I wish I could wear these clothes more. :( I live in Florida and it's still 75 degrees. I want chilly December weather!!


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