Monday, 15 August 2011

My Weekend


I am happy to report that we had a very quiet and restful weekend minus looting and random acts of violence! Instead my weekend consisted of picking fresh veg from my garden (this is a huge achievement for me considering I have suicidal plants), dinner date nights, napping, reading my brand new Decorate book (which I WON in the fabulous Roco Rennie giveaway), lots’ o’ cooking, a jazz festival in the city and my personal favourite event – learning to parallel park at 8am on a Saturday morning with a mild hangover (note: this is not recommended). I feel ready to tackle this week with renewed energy and a much lighter heart. Here’s to a fabulous Monday!


Images via Wishful Thinking


  1. Lucky you with the win. I love that first image.
    These riots worry me my partner works for the Met we were away last week but hes back to work tonight patroling the streets i just pray this thing is over with. It must be scary for you living amongst it all xx

  2. Love your pictures sounds like u had a busy lovely weekend!
    Parallel parking always a tough one!
    Have a lovely mondaym

    AbigaiL x

  3. love a good jazz concert! sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  4. "suicidal plants"- you are too funny!

  5. Yum! Are those enchiladas?!

    And did you take a picture of the jazz festival? How did you do it? It is so cool.

  6. Lucky you to have won the book! I envy you for that jazz festival. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Looks like a great weekend. Here is to a wonderful week!

  8. So glad you didn't sustain any damage in the riots!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  9. Happy to hear things have settled down for you! Doing anything with a mild hangover is truly a bad idea. Everything is suddenly much more difficult!

  10. Wow, looks like a good weekend! Love that last image :)

  11. And the comment I zone in on is the suicidal plants...HAHAHA! LMBO. Mine must be from the same cult because they *refuse* to stay alive for me (c: I'm jealous that you got to reap the rewards of overcoming the plant cult! (c: Sounds like a fabulous weekend my dear!

  12. Love your weekend pictures! I would love to grow my own vegetables-for now I'm struggling to try to keep a single orchid alive :)

  13. oh my gosh i can't believe i didn't think to ask YOU about the entire insane mob mentality craziness, i think you live in london, were any areas close to you affected?

  14. Now THERE's a good weekend. It's ever so satisfying to be able to grow your own food, isn't it? Do you like the new book?

  15. Sounds like a fantastic weekend to me! Have a great week to follow...

  16. Thanks for all the comments ladies! @ Hannah - yip, they are enchiladas! I found the jazz picture on Pinterest but I would loooovvee to know how it was done! Anyone have a clue? @ Bug - I wasn't too affected by the riots, but we live down the road from Clapham Junction which was badly attacked so we were up all night with sirens which was scary, we were also sent home early from work as they were closing down train stations. @ Camille - love love love the Decorate book! I feel so inspired to start doing stuff around the house now!


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