Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Garden Wars…

This past weekend I declared war on my garden. I may or may not have mentioned how much I hate gardening but fortunately, I dislike the way my garden currently looks even more! So I recruited some muscle (and when I say ‘recruited’ I mean ordered and bossed around) and we dug, raked, cursed, planted, watered, ached and sweated for 2 days until we could barely move. The depressing thing is that it still needs quite a lot of work but it’s getting there! Maybe one day, it might closely resemble something like this… 

Nu blommar asfalten

Skona Hem 5

woolcottandsmith woolcottandsmith.jpg3
Herb Shelf - Skona Hem Skona Hem View

Night Club La Dolce Vita

Skona Hem 4 Oasen vid muren

IMAGE CREDITS : 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9; 3 & 4; 7


  1. What a dream to have a garden like those photos! Can't wait to see yours when it's finished!

  2. Ah, sorry you don't like it. Fly me to London and I'll whip that garden into shape. I love doing stuff like that! :) Weeding helps calm me down.

  3. I such a sucker for all the gardening magazines that come out every spring. I've had to learn to avoid them because I always think 'I want a yard like that!....I could totally do that!...' I can't. Actually, I start off ok, but then I start to resent the plants being so "needy." I'm baby-stepping my way to being a better gardener.... ;)

  4. *le sigh*...there is nothing better than a gorgeous garden in full bloom...but the work to get there is seriously a drag )c: I have the blackest of black thumbs, I kill *everything*!!! It is rewarding to see all of your hard work looking better though, right? (c:

  5. Good luck with the gardening... I have no green fingers so am always in awe of people with gardens.

  6. I'm with you! I hate gardening (and also hate the way my yard looks right now). Ugh. Maybe if I knew what I was doing, I'd enjoy it more :)

  7. Not a fan of it either, I try to pretend I enjoy it since other people seem to but would really love to hand it over to someone else. Lovely photos though!

  8. Wow...these images are gorgeous! Wish I had a green thumb that could produce this type of setting too!

  9. So glad that I am not the only one with black thumbs! @ Hannah, if the plants that I planted over the weekend get any more wilted and sad looking, I might very well have to bring you over to sort it out! I might just have to post pictures so I can ask what I am doing wrong!?

  10. At least you are working! I have no clue about anything gardening, except that things need sun and water. Love your blog BTW :)


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