Well people I can only assume that I have been living under a rock! On one of my usual daily internet travels I came across this:
Exhibit A: Bookworm Bookshelf |
Yes, I know, it’s amazing and I NEED one in my house! Compelled to see more of these amazing designs, I googalised the designer (Ron Arad) and this is what I found:
Ron Arad has been hailed as one of the most influential designers of our time, and shamefully, I had never heard of him! He started out as a self-taught designer-maker of sculptural furniture but now works across both design and architecture. You can’t help but be (open-mouth) amazed at these inventive sculptural buildings. I am a sucker for any design that pushes the boundaries of what is possible and goes against the ‘norm’. I will definitely be keeping a close watch on his new projects, both in architecture and furniture design. You can read some of his bio here.